MinistryID is your single sign-on (SSO) solution to connect the products your ministry uses every day (like easyTithe!). It gives you access to multiple applications using one credential. Now, you can use the same login and password for easyTithe, your church management software, and other systems where you see the MinistryID logo.

How do I set up a MinistryID account?
Setting up a MinistryID account is simple. When logging into your current platform, you’ll see a new MinistryID button.

When you click the button, you’ll be prompted to log in or create a new account. If you don’t have a MinistryID account yet, click “create one.”

Next, you’ll choose a new password and link your current platform’s credentials with MinistryID. Once you complete this step, you’ll receive a notification that you’ve been successfully linked!

Now, enjoy using your MinistryID credentials each time you log in!
What are the benefits of creating a MinistryID?
If you’re still on the fence about creating a MinistryID account, that’s fine! You can create one when you’re ready. But know there are a lot of advantages.
1. Save time in your workday
Moving through multiple applications through your day like giving reports and event registration data takes time when you have to enter numerous credentials. If you forget a password, a simple login process can take much longer (and this can stop you in your tracks). Having only one password reduces the chances of mishaps and cuts down on login time.
2. Access a seamless sign-on experience
Say goodbye to password fatigue! MinistryID is incredibly easy to use and streamlines the login process. Use a single credential for multiple applications rather than entering (and re-entering) your information to access systems you use daily.
3. Enjoy high-level security
easyTithe already adheres to the highest security standards in the payment card industry, and MinistryID is no different. For customers handling sensitive information, multi-factor authentication such as a text code to their phone will be implemented.
Also, when people only have one credential to keep up with, they tend to create stronger passwords (rather than simple ones they may use across multiple systems).
Can my donors use MinistryID?
Yes! In addition to providing MinistryID to your church admins, this feature will also be available to your community. Now, those who participate in ministry can use MinistryID for a variety of purposes such as child check-in, making donations, and registering for events. Rather than creating multiple accounts, they’ll create one single account for all needs.
By syncing software sign-in credentials, MinistryID provides connectivity for ministries that saves time, boosts productivity, and strengthens security. We hope you enjoy this new feature!
Learn more about MinistryID and easyTithe’s online giving features by calling 1-888-778-4843 or emailing